Great Themed Landscaping Ideas

English Style Garden What landscapers refer to as an English style garden utilizes a great many shrubs, border plants and hedges as well as the obligatory patch of well-manicured lawn. This style of landscaping is perhaps best suited for an older home and will require regular and careful maintenance.

Oriental Garden An oriental garden is rather more spartan and minimalist than most landscaping themes. Central features usually include carefully placed rocks, evergreens and water features are often central to whole theme.

Woodland Garden If your yard already features a number of trees you are probably already halfway there if this is the landscaping theme you choose. The idea behind the woodland garden is to reflect the natural way that fauna grows in a wooded area so, if you are looking for a fairly low maintenance landscaping solution whose beauty will not suffer if it is a little untended, this may be the perfect choice for you.

Butterfly Gardens Certain trees, flowers and shrubs are especially butterfly friendly . By planting a butterfly garden you will not only be attracting a little extra living color to your yard to brighten up the landscape but doing your bit for conservation as well.

Xeriscape Gardens Although it has a rather strange name (it is actually derived from the Greek for dry scene) this type of garden is increasingly popular in drier climates and loved by environmentalists because the whole purpose behind it is to conserve water. Xeriscapes make use of plants that need less water than others but that does not mean you have to have a yard filled with cacti. A landscaping professional can help you find a number of attractive plants very well suited for the purpose.

Although you may very well get a great deal of pleasure from tending and maintaining your finished new garden, hiring a landscaper to help with its initial design and creation is a good investment to make. To create any of these themed gardens you will need to make a somewhat significant investment at the garden center and it would be a shame to waste money and spoil the plants you purchase because you didnt quite know the best time, place or way to plant them.

A landscaping professional can also be a huge help when you are just planning your backyard makeover. Some plants, flowers and trees may look beautiful when displayed in the greenhouses at the local home improvement store but they may be completely unsuited for use in your garden. How well a certain purchase will flourish depends on more than what area of the country you live in. Soil conditions, how much light and shade the area receives and how much maintenance you really want to have to do on a regular basis are all important factors that a landscaping pro can help you figure out.

Author: admin