Save Money By Learning How To Install Kitchen Cabinets

The very first thing that I suggest that you do is familiarize yourself with the new design. Study the new design and imagine what the new room will look like when you are finished with the remodel.

In doing so, you will feel more comfortable about yourself and the installation process. Always make sure that each and every cabinet that you hang or set is plumb and level. This is probably the most important aspect of a kitchen installation.

You need to make sure that you get this step right. Something that most people do not understand is that installing cabinets is more difficult than what they think. Fastening the cabinets and drawing lines on the walls where the cabinets go is just the tip of the iceberg. Just slapping the cabinets against the wall and fastening them in place without taking your time is going to create a haphazard looking kitchen. Many times I have had carpenters tell me that my line of work was easy until they were presented with a kitchen install and they quickly realized how complex it can get.

When it came down to it, they had some serious problems and had no way of figuring out how to move ahead. It was not long until they understood that installing kitchen cabinets and actually knowing how to correctly install them was two totally different things. This does not mean that you cannot do it yourself or that you need to be good with woodworking, it is just that there are some things that you need to understand about installing kitchen cabinets correctly.

The very most important part of a kitchen install is to make sure that each and every cabinet is installed level and plumb. For instance, you are going to have the countertop fabricator come out and make a template for the top and he sees that the base cabinets are not straight or even have humps and dips in between them. He will more than likely advise you that he cannot make the template due to the errors in the installation, pack up his stuff and make a return trip later once the mistakes have been taken care of. Unless the base cabinets are flat and level to suit them, the installers of the top will not place the tops on the cabinets.

You will find that choosing a solid surfaced top is going to be very unforgiving in that it will not conform to the cabinets surface, making it imperative that you get the base cabinets flat and level. Making sure that the cabinets are perfectly installed will make for an easier job all the way around.

By making costly mistakes during the installation, you are basically wasting the money that you would have saved by installing the cabinets yourself correctly.

Author: admin