The Right Kitchen Timer Can Make A Big Difference

A kitchen timer is a tool that most people dont give a second thought. However, many professional chefs understand that the wrong timer can ruin a perfectly executed meal. When youre depending on a kitchen timer to let you know when to take out your meal from the oven or off the stove top even a few minutes can be the difference between food that tastes just right or a meal that is rubbery, dried out, and overcooked. Todays kitchen timers are a little more advanced than their old-fashioned counterparts, but its main responsibility remains the same: to make sure that your meal is timed perfectly. Technology has caught up with the manual timers which were popular in the 1950s, and today almost all chefs rely on digital timers. The Antune solar, FMP 4-in-1 digital, and FMP Zap timer are three of the most popular timers on the market today. They each offer an array of benefits and can help take your kitchen meals to the next level.

The AJ Antune solar timer is one of the first solar powered kitchen timers run by light making it the perfect timer for any eco-minded chef. The timer also comes with back-up batteries. The timing mechanism is reliable and features four timing channels so you can be sure it is dependable. You can also choose to program times into it for quick retrieval. Once youre using it you can rely on audio and visual signals to let you know when the timer has gone off, and it can be mounted onto any magnetic surface in your kitchen.

The FMP 4-in-1 timer can run on a 9-volt battery or an AC adaptor. The digital timer, which is made out of ABS plastic, can time a meal up to 10 hours and features four separate counting timers. Each of the timers has memory recall and can be adjusted from hours all the way to seconds. Audio signals let you know when your meal is ready, whatever your next step might be.

The FMP Zap timer is a digital timer that uses an oil resistant cord to power. This timer can time up to 99 hours and feature a large LED display so that you will have no problem seeing the countdown clock. It is made of stainless steel and is able to be mounted on any type of kitchen hardware.

Buying a timer might not seem important until you realize that the cheap timer you bought is not reliable and your cooking has been suffering for it. Once you make the decision to upgrade to a digital timer you will notice that your new clock is much more dependable and easy to use.

Author: admin