The Secret Weapon – How To Use Vinegar In Your Garden And Landscaping

Vinegar is a common household ingredient amongst many civilians. It is often used to clean the indoors or for cooking of some sort. You may want to learn how to use vinegar in your garden and landscaping projects though if you truly want to take advantage of such a wonderful liquid. The common uses for vinegar include maintenance, but this can cover a lot of different problems.

Clay and stone pots commonly collect excess salt and it can buildup quite rapidly. It can be very difficult to clean such residue off from the pots, but an effective approach to accomplish this is with vinegar. It is a cheap and successful solution to this common problem.

Pour vinegar directly into the pot. Make an attempt to wet the edges down as you do. Keep pouring the vinegar until it is a third of the way filled. Most of the excess alt on the edges will have been rinsed down to the bottom and the vinegar will breakdown any salt on the base of the pot. After thirty minutes, empty the pot and rinse it out well.

This method is not limited to pots though. In fact, anything that is stone within your garden can be cleaned with vinegar. An excellent example is a bird bath. You must rinse such items off completely though when done with them.

Furthermore, vinegar can be converted into a weed killer by mixing it with water in a spray bottle. Mix it well spray the concoction on any unwanted weeds.

This is also capable of destroying the grass you have though too, so be careful not to hit it. If you do have grass in the cracks of sidewalk or on your driveway, try to use the vinegar mixture to get rid of it. It is almost guaranteed to work.

Vinegar is a great substitution for retail weed killers which are harmful to the environment and the food chain. It may not taste good if a bird accidentally eats it; however, at least it will not kill them.

Lastly, vinegar is an amazing bug killer and method to prevent animals from entering certain areas of your yard. Ants can be quite bothersome, especially on driveways or patios. To get rid of these, fill a bottle equally with water and vinegar. When you see an anthill or slugs around your patio, spray the concoction directly onto them. It will kill the ants and slugs quickly. Furthermore, if there are rabbits or cats that frequently enter your backyard, you can spray the edges of your fence or garden to keep them away.

Clearly, there are many uses that vinegar has both indoors and out. You need to know how to use vinegar in your garden and landscaping though in an effective way, otherwise you could end up killing grass or plants you did not want killed. Use these uncomplicated techniques and research additional ways. You will be surprised at just how much simple vinegar can do.

Author: admin