When putting on a roof you want one that will hold up to the elements. Many areas get a great deal of wind throughout the year. Others are environments where fires can happen. Rain and snow are other culprits. Moreover, sun can really do a number on any roof you might have. You need a roof that will stand up to that tough environment. Yet, you also want a roof that will enhance the look of your home. Many would love to have a slate roof. However, natural slate is expensive and heavy. To keep these two elements working well together, use polymer roofing shingles that look just like natural slate shingles.
You can have slate that looks quite natural or slate with a unique color. Many who have interest in polymer roofing shingles are replacing an existing natural slate roof. They love the look of the slate, but do not want the material, installation, and maintenance costs associated with natural slate on their new roof. You will find a rainbow of color options available with these tiles. The most popular shades are natural grays with some warm brown tones thrown in. Many choose to mix up the colors for a more natural random color palette.
You can get slate in single widths or multiple widths. Single width tiles will give you a uniform look that many love on modern homes. For those that want a more traditional look, the multiple width slate option is popular. The different widths help to keep the random pattern found in so many old slate roofs. When you mix random widths with slight variations in color, you will have a roof that closely mimics the look of a roof on a hundred year old home. Moreover, all of this comes with the ease of maintenance and repair of modern polymer roofing shingles.
You can obtain polymer roofing shingles that resemble natural slate that works well on any roof in any weather. One of the biggest problems with natural slate is its brittle nature. If something hits a tile, it is very likely to break. That means you need to do regular repairs if you live in a high wind area. With the polymer shingles, you do not need to worry. The impact resistance is only one of their many weather resistant features. This polymer is resistant to wind and ice as well. It is not a good place for fungus, algae, or insects either.